With your help we create the key to a livable and sustainable future for us and future generations
Let's work together
"Lets's quit talking and start doing" Do you want to help out for a greener Belgium?
This is how we work;
1. You donate an amount.
2. Bwoods looks for a Belgian location.
3. Together with volunteers, we plant a new Forest.
Do you want to Co²mpensate ? A full grown tree compensates between 21,77 kg and 35,5 kg on a yearly base. Are you driving 10.000 km's with your Golf every year ? Then 6 trees are needed to compensate your car travels. Every tree counts, every tree makes a difference!
Sustainable entrepreneurship easier said than done
If you want to compensate for your footprint as an entrepreneur, or invest in our Belgian nature ? Then you can count on Bwoods VZW.
Let us create a tailor-made project for your organisation or sign up for one of our standard offers.
Forests are made up of several layers of vegetation such as the tree, shrub and herb layer. In well developed forests there is a variety of native tree species while being of different ages and diameter. Even old trees and dead wood are important features.
Within a forest (ecosystem) the degree of diversity in life forms is a barometer for biodiversity. By carefully selecting native trees, shrubs and plants, we try to make this variety as optimal as possible. Biodiversity is often used as an indicator of the health of a forest.
Did you know that Trees grow by converting CO2, water and sunlight into nutritious sugars and oxygen? This happens trough the green leaves. The more leaves, the more oxygen a tree produces. Studies show that an adult tree compensates between 21.77 kg and 31.5 kg of CO2 per year. For example: to compensate 1 ton of CO2 there are 31 to 46 fully grown trees needed.
Trees are necessary for our world today but they are also an investment in the future. Plant a tree yourself or help out trough Bwoods, this way you too can easily make a difference. Imagine every family in Flanders planting just 1 tree, in the end we'd have a stunning new forest of 2.3 million trees!
Contribute your tree for the world of tomorrow
We invest every euro you donate in planting forests in Belgium. Even with 1 euro we can already plant a tree. Are you turning your euro into a tree?
Bwoods heard your environmental cry for help and would like to take action with you
After the numerous interesting discussions about the environment and green, we challenged each other to take action. An action or solution in which really anyone, regardless of age, prupose, ... has the ability to make a difference and shape an even greener and more healthy environment for everyone.
This makes "Bwoods VZW" a unique citizens' initiative of which you can be part of !
Easier done than said ☺ !
Less pollution is, of course, important. But it is also necessary to add positive, active elements to our world. A tree – forest – ecosystem not only takes away CO2 but also gives back oxygen. These are the valuable elements we need to bet on.
Bwoods plants trees and creates ecosystems that make a significant difference in our environment.
Weither it is the extension of an existing forest or planting a new one, big or small. We beleive every new forest adds value because every tree counts. An investment in not only our own future but also in the future of generations to come.
Let us know for sure!
Do you have questions, are you looking for a tailor-made solution, or do you like to share your project with us? We look forward to receiving your message!